Themes that I love โค๏ธ

It is very exhausting for someone like me to choose and stick to a theme. I constantly keep changing them so many times. Here are the themes that I like:

Getting Things Done!

Being a productivity Nerd. I always think I should be GTDing. Like every minute of my time should be spent producing something or moving things forward. The idea is great but is it practical? Nope! But will I stop then? Never!! The problem I face is the time allocated to GTD will be never be fully available. I am constantly interrupted or don’t feel the energy to do it. Also, Life Happens!

To DIY or Not to DIY!

tldr; Choose a DIY project if you have nothing better to do or you just love it. If not stay away! We have many “hobbies” or things which we wish to get done. Our professional lives are boring! (Speak for yourself?) We seek joy in non-work things in our lives. Gardening ๐Ÿชด, Building your own furniture ๐Ÿช‘, Building your own website ๐Ÿ’ป, Cooking ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿณ, Cleaning ๐Ÿงน, HBO ๐Ÿ“บ. . .